I wonder what the percentage would be for the thousands of Budapest Homeless?
71% Of SF Homeless Once Had Homes In SF
“Seventy-one percent (71%) of respondents reported they were living in San Francisco at the time they most recently became homeless, an increase from 61% in 2013. Of those, nearly half (49%) had lived in San Francisco for 10 years or more. Eleven percent (11%) had lived in San Francisco for less than one year.”
“Ten percent (10%) of respondents reported they were living out of state at the time they lost their housing. Nineteen percent (19%) reported they were living in another county in California. Six percent (6%) reported they were living in Alameda County at the time, 3% San Mateo, 2% Marin, 2% Contra Costa and 1% Santa Clara County.”
– http://sfist.com/2016/02/11/71_of_sf_homeless_once_had_homes_in.php
The 1968 Hungarian Maoist ‘Plotters’ that didn’t really plot
Tibor Vámos – became part of the society of friends as a teenager, but was not involved in the “conspiracy” and the subsequent court case. Asked about the Maoists, he told Mérce:
I am afraid I cause disappointment by stating, that there was no Maoist conspiracy to speak of. There was however a university student group of 50-70 people, who at the middle or the end of the 1960’s felt that our country’s Socialism was not good enough. They did not want to overthrow the system, but to repair it. Authorities however did not tolerate unsanctioned organization even if it was socialist in nature.
Maoism therefore primarily served as an ideological tool within the bi-polar system of the Cold War, through which criticism could be articulated with regard to both existing capitalism and exisiting socialism.

via https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10214125128415776&set=gm.2105763529663690
I hope these people invade Puerto Rico
Nineteen Cuba-trained doctors sworn in
‘…“We should ask ourselves constantly, what are we doing to better ourselves,” Dr. Naraine said, adding that, “we (doctors) shouldn’t get accustomed to the sufferings of the patient, instead we should treat every patient with compassion and in the end, we should be able to relieve the pain, suffering and anxiety of the population in general.”…’
I have the feeling this is how she prefers to be remembered, our last positive memory of her before the ship sinks?
Theresa May dances (again) as she wraps up Africa trip
The British prime minister had another go at dance diplomacy after joining the head of UN Environment, Erik Solheim, in Nairobi to announce the launch of a new 'plastic challenge' badge for guides and scouts. It is the second time during her three-day trip to Africa that May has joined in a dance performance.
Publiée par The Guardian sur Jeudi 30 août 2018
Vikings ‘replaced’ by foreigners…

‘…No fewer than half the population of the Viking town of Sigtuna were immigrants, a new genetic analysis of human remains from the 10th to the 12th century has discovered. While rough half of the 38 people whose bones and teeth were genetically tested grew up in or around the nearby Lake Mälaren area, the other half came from as far away as Ukraine, Lithuania, northern Germany, the British Isles, and parts of central Europe, as well as from southern Sweden, Norway and Denmark…’
Ahmad Samih Khalidi writes about Zionism…
‘…Opposition to Zionism on these grounds is a moral stance, is neither antisemitic nor racist, and is founded on the belief that the creation of Israel has a profound injustice at its roots.
Jewish opposition to Zionism has a long and distinguished history. Furthermore, the Palestinian historical narrative has been largely vindicated, in part by Israeli and Jewish historians, and Jewish voices in support of Palestinian rights today abound. Using the charge of anti-Zionism as a tool to silence critics of today’s Israel is the last resort of those seeking to deflect attention away from the egregious path that Israel appears to have chosen. It wants to have it both ways, on the one hand to charge with racism those who conflate anti-Zionism and antisemitism. On the other hand,it accuses those who refuse this conflation, of antisemitism on the grounds that anti-Zionism denies the Jews the right to self-determination. By this token, any criticism of Israel or Zionism becomes a slur on the Jewish people. The insidious goal of the “anti-anti-Zionist” campaign is to silence the Palestinians and their supporters and to smother them with the charge of racism. No one should fall for this or accept it…’
Kenya burial site shows community spirit of herders 5,000 years ago
‘…Herders in east Africa 5,000 years ago lived in peaceful communities that shunned social hierarchies, communicated intensively and worked together to build massive cemeteries, new research by archaeologists has revealed.
[….] “When agrarian societies started to develop, hierarchies started to develop too. Some people became more powerful and disparities in wealth and health and social circumstances emerged. So the big question is: Did the same thing happen in pastoral societies?” said Hildebrand.
“Lothagam North pillar site is the earliest known monumental site in eastern Africa … built by the region’s first herders … and gives us solid evidence that these pastoralists did indeed follow a different trajectory of social change. People came together in large numbers, probably expending blood, sweat and tears to build these large structures, but we have no evidence for hierarchy or social difference.”…’
re: Glenn Greenwald
‘…I applaud Ian Parker’s mostly even-handed profile of Glenn Greenwald (if not the headline and teasers) in the September 3 issue of The New Yorker, and offer here some additional history and a key insight into the value Greenwald offers our nation in these troubled days [….]
Beyond his perhaps outsize and famed cantankerousness, Greenwald is a generous partner in speaking truth to power, and an inventive and courageously disruptive force for accountable governance. Unlike the other big name from those days, Markos Moulitsas, Greenwald did not become absorbed into the establishment Democratic Party power structure, and he does not choose to rest on his Pulitzer laurels with a cushy columnist gig at a major outlet…’
Jane Goodall: Chimpanzees, humanity and all that binds them
‘…Asked about the challenges facing conservationists in Africa, Goodall says, “you cannot expect change to happen over night after our brutal colonialism …. We ruined their culture, we ruined so much about African society. What white colonialists did can never really be forgiven in Africa.”
“I travelled to many different countries, and everywhere the history of white colonialism is brutal. So when finally the Europeans thought ‘oh gosh, we’ve killed off nearly all the animals, we can develop tourism ‘… we set up these national parks. People were driven out of these areas and lived on the periphery – many of them in poverty…’
Gaza, Palestine 2018.08.31
‘Watch what tear gas does to us Nevertheless, they continue to lift the siege on Gaza Free Palestine’
Watch what tear gas does to usNevertheless, they continue to lift the siege on GazaFree Palestine
Publiée par Hamada Kaneta sur Vendredi 31 août 2018
Donald Trump Really Thinks ICE Agents Are Liberating Towns
Donald Trump Really Thinks ICE Agents Are Liberating Towns
Donald Trump really believes ICE is liberating towns across America — and he's not afraid to tell you over and over and over.
Publiée par VICE News sur Mercredi 29 août 2018