JD/TV #1 – 2018.10.25 – Videos and ReportBack

ReportBack: JD/TV #1 – 2018.10.25

About ten people came to Klu-Béla last night, therefore I declare this a success. Thank you to all who came, who helped and to Nikki for helping with the projector.

After the show we had a discussionabout the content I edited together and the style of the presentation, and how to do this in the future.

People seemed to enjoy the collective ‘tv watching’ – watching together has a stronger impact on one’s self than merely watching it on your smartphone. Youn know, like how people used to do things! We need to do this more often.

Being social while watching media – we could call it,,,,, Social Media!

I also mentioned that others can easily create their own ‘mixtapes’ and present at Klu-Béla – anyone can. The space is 100% DIY.

Putting the video clips together (using Adobe Premier) in some kind of rough narrative or by topic worked ok, I think. But some clips should have been shortened and just the ‘meat’ of the clip should have been presented. Ahem! Democracy Now! – which can go on and on, a bit.

There was also talk of using this kind of compilation video format for a monthly DiEM25 project where we could collect videos and reports made by DSCs all over Europe and then distribute online for similar group showings. There is, of course, a big question of what languages to use or not, etc.

And, it needs to be said, this was my selection of videos that I think were interesting or important (and because I’m an American I was interested in American news or connections) – this bias is actually in the name of JD/TV 🙂 – but perhaps the next one can have more european content and stories. English is a global news language, so this is difficult. Sadly there is no European equivelent of Democracy Now that I can be easily used.

But, one month from now I will attempt to create a Euro version of JD/TV!

Thank you all who participated and helped make this first attempt successful.


Below are the video clips from last night…

JD/TV #1 – 2018.10.25

“Counterproductive and Dangerous”: Nuclear Arms Race Feared as U.S. Quits Key Treaty with Russia
Democracy Now
October 22, 2018
transcript: https://www.democracynow.org/2018/10/22/counterproductive_and_dangerous_nuclear_arms_race

Does Saudi Arabia Own Donald Trump?
‘In the aftermath of the disappearance of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Trump tweeted: “For the record, I have no financial interests in Saudi Arabia.” In this video, Mehdi Hasan examines Trump’s long history of doing deals with Saudi royals.’

Israeli Anti-Zionist activists and Palestinians meet face-to-face at Gaza fence
by Haim Schwarczenberg
more info: https://schwarczenberg.com/israeli-anti-zionist-activists-and-palestinians-meet-face-to-face-at-gaza-fence/

Israeli Settlers destroy 2,000+ Palestinian-owned trees and vines, backed by Israeli authorities
Published on 5 Aug 2018

Killing From Pennsylvania: Horsham Air Guard Base
The Peace Report

A Short History of U.S. Meddling in Foreign Elections
Mehdi Hasan

The Overton Window
Cats and Coffee
Published on 19 Oct 2018

How to Shift the Overton Window
Published on 26 Jan 2016

The Left
24 Sep 2017

2018.10.23 Link Blog

Trump 'jumps the shark' and goes full Steve Bannon – can we call him a fascist now?
Or is that still impolite?

Trump embraces 'nationalist' title at Texas rally

‘…President Donald Trump declared himself a “nationalist” during his rally here on Monday night, officially tagging himself with the label that has long defined his populist rhetoric and protectionist policies.

“A globalist is a person that wants the globe to do well, frankly not caring about the country so much. You know, we can’t have that,” Trump said, prompting boos from the crowd.

“You know what I am, I’m a nationalist,” he added, as the crowd erupted in “USA! USA!” chants. “Use that word.”…’


Centrists Are the Most Hostile to Democracy, Not Extremists

‘…research suggests that across Europe and North America, centrists are the least supportive of democracy, the least committed to its institutions and the most supportive of authoritarianism…’


Centrists Are the Most Skeptical of Democracy

Belly poetry starts at 23 secs

‘…”A lot of people don’t understand that refugees especially, are fleeing situations that are affecting their livelihood and their children’s livelihood,” Belly told ABC News. “If they’re willing to go through everything they go through to try to find a safe haven, it’s not because they wanted to leave home; it’s because they had to. I think that’s one thing that a lot of people miss out on.”…’


by Tjeerd Royaards

German teachers mass report themselves to far-right AfD after it asks children to spy on their political views

‘…Teachers at a German school have reported themselves en masse to a far-right party after it asked pupils to spy on their political views so it could compile a list of its critics.

The AfD party has set up a system through which students can report and denounce their teachers to the party if they criticise it in class, or express related political views.

But teachers at the Lina Morgenstern School in Kreuzberg, Berlin, wrote a joint letter to the AfD asking for all their names to be voluntarily added onto the “denunciation list” it is compiling.

“We attach great importance to being on this list because we will continue to ensure that school students are empowered to understand the character of your party,” the teachers wrote, according to a copy of the message made public through the GEW teachers’ union.

“Of course, we will do this in the classroom and are in line with the Beutelsbach Consensus [a policy on the presentation of controversial subjects] and Article 1 of the Berlin Education Act. We will inform our students when members and officials of your party engage in racist, inhumane, sexist, historical revisionist, antisemitic or anti-democratic activities that jeopardise our peaceful coexistence in society.”…’


Explosive device found near the home of George Soros in an upscale New York suburb

‘…An explosive device was discovered on Monday near the home of billionaire George Soros in an upscale suburb in New York.

[….] Soros was recently accused by U.S. President Donald Trump of funding a caravan of migrants heading towards the Mexico-U.S. border — an allegation that many have said lacks evidence…’

Click on image to buy a t-shirt

Maybe the New York antisemitic bomber was inspired by this Republican Party advert?

‘…Following an ancient anti-Semitic script, a Republican attack ad portrays a Jewish financier as the puppetmaster behind non-white social unrest.

The ad, literally titled “Owns,” ties Minnesota congressional aspirant Dan Feehan, a Democrat, to George Soros, the currency speculator turned philanthropist whose demonization has become central to authoritarian nationalist projects in Hungary, Russia and beyond.

In “Owns,” funded by the National Republican Campaign Committee, Soros is an Oz-like figure hovering over stacks of cash…’


The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US

‘…“Hundreds of thousands of people were displaced in the 1980s,” said Elizabeth Oglesby, an associate professor of Latin American studies at the University of Arizona. “People were fleeing violence and massacres and political persecution that the United States was either funding directly or at the very minimum, covering up and excusing.” Violence today in those countries, she said, is a directly legacy of US involvement.

[….] “The war in Guatemala was really a genocide,” Oglesby said, adding that an estimated 200,000 were killed in the subsequent 36-year-long civil war, which stretched from 1960 to 1996. “The history is important because it went so far beyond anti-communism—the purpose was to destroy people’s vision of the future. It had a terrible impact on the country, hundreds of thousands of people were displaced.”

[….] “I get asked all the time, Why can’t Central Americans just stay in their country and strive for better?” Oglesby told me. “I want people to understand, Central Americans have been trying to do that for decades, and the United States put itself on the wrong side of those struggles, and now we are reaping the consequences.”…’


The Violence Central American Migrants Are Fleeing Was Stoked by the US

the wars of President BushClintonBushObama never ended with Trump

How American Racism Influenced Hitler
– Scholars are mapping the international precursors of Nazism.
By Alex Ross

‘…Hitler and Goebbels were the first relativizers of the Holocaust, the first purveyors of false equivalence. “Concentration camps were not invented in Germany,” Hitler said in 1941. “It is the English who are their inventors, using this institution to gradually break the backs of other nations.” The British had operated camps in South Africa, the Nazis pointed out. Party propagandists similarly highlighted the sufferings of Native Americans and Stalin’s slaughter in the Soviet Union. In 1943, Goebbels triumphantly broadcast news of the Katyn Forest massacre, in the course of which the Soviet secret police killed more than twenty thousand Poles. (Goebbels wanted to show footage of the mass graves, but generals overruled him.) Nazi sympathizers carry on this project today, alternately denying the Holocaust and explaining it away.

The magnitude of the abomination almost forbids that it be mentioned in the same breath as any other horror. Yet the Holocaust has unavoidable international dimensions—lines of influence, circles of complicity, moments of congruence. Hitler’s “scientific anti-Semitism,” as he called it, echoed the French racial theorist Arthur de Gobineau and anti-Semitic intellectuals who normalized venomous language during the Dreyfus Affair. The British Empire was Hitler’s ideal image of a master race in dominant repose. “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” a Russian forgery from around 1900, fuelled the Nazis’ paranoia. The Armenian genocide of 1915-16 encouraged the belief that the world community would care little about the fate of the Jews. Just before the outbreak of the Second World War, Hitler spoke of the planned mass murder of Poles and asked, “Who, after all, is today speaking about the destruction of the Armenians?” The Nazis found collaborators in almost every country that they invaded. In one Lithuanian town, a crowd cheered while a local man clubbed dozens of Jewish people to death. He then stood atop the corpses and played the Lithuanian anthem on an accordion. German soldiers looked on, taking photographs…’


‘…The Nazis were not wrong to cite American precedents. Enslavement of African-Americans was written into the U.S. Constitution. Thomas Jefferson spoke of the need to “eliminate” or “extirpate” Native Americans. In 1856, an Oregonian settler wrote, “Extermination, however unchristianlike it may appear, seems to be the only resort left for the protection of life and property.” General Philip Sheridan spoke of “annihilation, obliteration, and complete destruction.” To be sure, others promoted more peaceful—albeit still repressive—policies. The historian Edward B. Westermann, in “Hitler’s Ostkrieg and the Indian Wars” (Oklahoma), concludes that, because federal policy never officially mandated the “physical annihilation of the Native populations on racial grounds or characteristics,” this was not a genocide on the order of the Shoah. The fact remains that between 1500 and 1900 the Native population of U.S. territories dropped from many millions to around two hundred thousand.

America’s knack for maintaining an air of robust innocence in the wake of mass death struck Hitler as an example to be emulated. He made frequent mention of the American West in the early months of the Soviet invasion. The Volga would be “our Mississippi,” he said. “Europe—and not America—will be the land of unlimited possibilities.”…’


South Carolina Is Lobbying To Allow Discrimination Against Jewish Parents

‘… The Trump Administration is considering whether to grant a South Carolina request that would effectively allow faith-based foster care agencies in the state the ability to deny Jewish parents from fostering children in its network. The argument, from the state and from the agency, is that the federal Religious Freedom Restoration Act should not force a Protestant group to work with Jewish people if it violates a tenet of their faith.

The case being made by South Carolina is an extension of the debate around RFRA, which is more commonly associated with discrimination against LGBTQ people, but by no means applies exclusively to that group….’


Plutocrat happy the US military still has respect ????

Paul Volcker, at 91, Sees ‘a Hell of a Mess in Every Direction’

Mr. Volcker: “Respect for government, respect for the Supreme Court, respect for the president, it’s all gone,” he said. “Even respect for the Federal Reserve.

“And it’s really bad. At least the military still has all the respect. But I don’t know, how can you run a democracy when nobody believes in the leadership of the country?”


Paul Volcker, at 91, Sees ‘a Hell of a Mess in Every Direction’

Never forget just how bad the MSM really is.

2018.10.22 Link Blog

"The Guillotine"

Robert Reich writes:

‘…At the start of the 2016 election cycle, this power structure proclaimed Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush shoo-ins for the nominations of the Democratic and Republican parties. After all, both of these individuals had deep bases of funders, well-established networks of political insiders, experienced political advisers and all the political name recognition any candidate could possibly want.

But a funny thing happened on the way to the White House. The presidency was won by Donald Trump [….]

Median family income is lower now than it was 16 years ago, adjusted for inflation. Workers without college degrees – the old working class – have fallen furthest. Most economic gains, meanwhile, have gone to top. These gains have translated into political power to elicit bank bailouts, corporate subsidies, special tax loopholes, favorable trade deals and increasing market power without interference by anti-monopoly enforcement – all of which have further reduced wages and pulled up profits.

Wealth, power and crony capitalism fit together. Americans know a takeover has occurred, and they blame the establishment for it.

The Democratic party once represented the working class. But over the last three decades the party has been taken over by Washington-based fundraisers, bundlers, analysts, and pollsters who have focused instead on raising campaign money from corporate and Wall Street executives and getting votes from upper middle-class households in “swing” suburbs…’


Antiwar Movement Spreads among Tech Workers
– Engineering students join Google and Microsoft workers in protesting the tech-industry’s enabling of U.S. militarism

The protesters state:

‘…Many Microsoft employees don’t believe that what we build should be used for waging war. When we decided to work at Microsoft, we were doing so in the hopes of “empowering every person on the planet to achieve more,” not with the intent of ending lives and enhancing lethality. For those who say that another company will simply pick up JEDI where Microsoft leaves it, we would ask workers at that company to do the same. A race to the bottom is not an ethical position…’

Meanwhile more than 100 engineering students at Stanford and other schools released a letter pledging that they will:

‘…First, do no harm.

Refuse to participate in developing technologies of war: our labor, our expertise, and our lives will not be in the service of destruction…

Abstain from working for technology companies that fail to reject the weaponizing of their technology for military purposes. Instead, push our companies to pledge to neither participate in nor support the development, manufacture, trade or use of autonomous weapons; and to instead support efforts to ban autonomous weapons globally…’


Wages for the 1% just reached their highest level ever

US Wages for the 1% just reached their highest level ever

‘…The 1% has never had it so good.

The average wage for the top 1% of income earners hit $719,000 per year in 2017, up 3.7% on the year, exceeding their peak of $716,000 per year just before the Great Recession, according to a report released Thursday by the Economic Policy Institute, a progressive, nonprofit think tank, citing data from the Social Security Administration. The average wage for the top 0.1% reached $2.7 million in 2017, the second-highest level ever, just 4% below their level in 2007. However, wages for the 0.1% rose 8% on the year in 2017.

Income inequality has soared in the U.S. over the last five decades, despite increases in worker productivity, the report said. “Incomes for most Americans have been stagnant for four decades,” according to a separate report released earlier this year by the staff of Keith Ellison, a Democratic congressman for Minnesota. “Instead, this increase in income inequality was almost entirely driven by soaring compensation levels for the top 1% of income earners.”…’


How Big Data Is ‘Automating Inequality’

‘…We assume technology and the information it yields is making everyone’s life easier, freer and more comfortable.

Virginia Eubanks begs to differ, with the authority to do so. For the poor, she argues, government data and its abuses have imposed a new regime of surveillance, profiling, punishment, containment and exclusion, which she evocatively calls the “digital poorhouse.” While technology is often touted by researchers and policymakers as a way to deliver services to the poor more efficiently, Eubanks shows that more often, it worsens inequality. Data can’t provide what poor people need, which is more resources. Indeed, as with the 19th-century poorhouse, she argues, the shiny new digital one allows us to “manage the individual poor in order to escape our shared responsibility for eradicating poverty.”…’


Allergies: the scourge of modern life?

‘…Before the 1990s, peanut allergy was so rare that barely any data on it was collected. In a 2015 article in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Paul J Turner noted that even though admissions to hospital for anaphylaxis increased between 1992 and 2012 by 615%, the incidence of fatal anaphylaxis did not. Turner and his colleagues believed that “increasing awareness of the diagnosis, shifting patterns of behaviour in patients and healthcare providers” might be contributing factors. Even though peanut allergy is much more common, its associated fatalities have not increased. [….]

The first is the delayed introduction of allergens. For years, throughout the world, allergy specialists had been advising that infants avoid the consumption of potentially allergenic foodstuffs. Not only was this incorrect but it may have played a role in driving the food allergy epidemic that we are seeing today.

Prof Gideon Lack of King’s College London, lead investigator on Learning Early About Peanut Allergy (the LEAP study) found that “of the children who avoided peanuts, 17% developed peanut allergy by the age of five years. Remarkably, only 3% of the children who were randomised to eating the peanut snack developed allergy by age five.” The children involved in the trial already had severe eczema and/or an egg allergy (both strong predictors for nut allergy)…’



Post-Cold War U.S. Foreign Policy Has Been A Near Total Failure. Two New Books Look At Why.
by Murtaza Hussain

‘…Emerging as the world’s sole superpower at the end of the Cold War, the U.S. had two possible futures to choose from. It could either cash in a peace dividend at home by gradually scaling back its Cold War-era alliance commitments, or it could embark on a bold project of “liberal hegemony,” intended to spread its own system of government and a rules-based international order across the world. Flush with confidence after the the collapse of communism, American elites chose the latter course.

[….] Rather than define victory in these reasonable terms, the war against the Taliban was instead characterized as a moral crusade on behalf of human rights, feminism, and an array of other causes about which there can be no negotiation. Rejecting any compromise with an enemy it had defined as evil, the U.S. helped its local allies pursue a campaign of total annihilation against the Taliban and its supporters. Years later, Afghanistan is no closer to being a liberal democracy and the war is still raging there, at horrific human cost. The U.S., for its part, has given up on even defeating the Taliban and is instead simply trying to negotiate a face-saving exit. After flirting with a utopian idea of transforming Afghanistan in its own image and killing tens of thousands of Afghans in the process, the U.S. belatedly realized that the entire horrible endeavor has been essentially pointless…’

Too socialist for the suffragettes: the left’s forgotten women

Too socialist for the suffragettes: the UK left’s forgotten women
– Early female socialists never figure in any roll-call of great suffragettes, because they objected on principle to a campaign that would leave so many disenfranchised.

‘… it was a schism that descended into deep rancour when the two sides also found themselves bitterly divided over support for the First World War, where the pragmatic, patriotic fervour urged by the elder Pankhursts was viewed by the female socialists as another betrayal of the working classes doomed to do the bulk of the dying.

Albeit in a much less offensive way, those passages reminded me of the arguments that persist to this day in the United States, where the original campaign for women’s suffrage is tainted by its promotion in the southern states as a means of reinforcing white supremacy in the Jim Crow era…’


What is Dual-Carding?


‘The Genghis Khan Equestrian Statue in Mongolia. This is the largest equestrian statue in the world’

The Genghis Khan Equestrian Statue in Mongolia. This is the largest equestrian statue in the world

The Rule of the Uber-Rich Means Either Tyranny or Revolution
by Chris Hedges

‘…It is essential to understand the pathologies of the uber-rich. They have seized total political power. These pathologies inform Donald Trump, his children, the Brett Kavanaughs, and the billionaires who run his administration. The uber-rich cannot see the world from anyone’s perspective but their own. People around them, including the women whom entitled men prey upon, are objects designed to gratify momentary lusts or be manipulated. The uber-rich are almost always amoral. Right. Wrong. Truth. Lies. Justice. Injustice. These concepts are beyond them. Whatever benefits or pleases them is good. What does not must be destroyed.

[….] Political theorists, from Aristotle and Karl Marx to Sheldon Wolin, have warned against the rule of the uber-rich. Once the uber-rich take over, Aristotle writes, the only options are tyranny and revolution…’


2018.10.20 Link Blog

The US exported so much democracy to the Middle East, it ran out of it

via https://twitter.com/karlremarks/status/920290897505464320

Geneticists Criticize Use of Science by White Nationalists to Justify ‘Racial Purity’

‘…In an unusual statement on the role of science in the resurgence of white supremacy in America, the American Society of Human Genetics on Friday denounced “attempts to link genetics and racial supremacy.”

The statement, which appears in the November issue of the group’s scientific journal, The American Journal of Human Genetics, said the concept of “racial purity” was scientifically meaningless. The group has about 8,000 members and is the largest professional organization of scientists who study human genetics.

As newly visible and often-virulent groups of white nationalists have invoked genetic research to claim racial superiority, some geneticists have suggested that the field was not doing enough to counter the claims.

[….] It also explains a distinction between race and ancestry that geneticists say has been muddled by the rise of commercial ancestry tests.

“Although a person’s genetics influences their phenotypic characteristics, and self-identified race might be influenced by physical appearance,” the statement said, “race itself is a social construct,” meaning it has no biological basis. “Black,” for instance, is a socially defined term that includes many Americans who have a majority of European ancestry…’


the actual text

‘The American Journal of Human Genetics’ Attempts to Link Genetics and Racial Supremacy

‘…The past decade has seen the emergence of strategies for assessing an individual’s genetic ancestry. Such analyses8 are providing increasingly accurate ways of helping to define individuals’ ancestral origins and enabling new ways to explore and discuss ancestries that move us beyond blunt definitions of self-identified race…’


As’Ad Abukhalil is the blogger from The Angry Arab News Service

AS’AD ABUKHALIL: ‘…he was always a symbol of reactionary advocacy on behalf of the Saudi regime and militant Salafi Islam. That’s what he stood for. The picture that is being painted in mainstream Western media is totally unrecognizable for anybody who bothers to read Arabic. Unfortunately, all the people who are commenting about the issue and commenting even about his record of journalism, so to speak, are people who have never read anything except in the Washington Post…’

via The Real News Network

‘The murder of Jamal Khashoggi should be denounced. Professor As`ad AbuKhalil says western media’s uncritical praise of Khashoggi is unworthy, he was a loyal member of the Saudi propaganda apparatus and chose the wrong side of the House of Saud.’

full transcript: https://therealnews.com/stories/duplicitous-khashoggi-picked-the-wrong-prince

2018.10.18 Link Blog

And remember, this happened during the Obama Admin.

Investigation: As U.S.-Backed War in Yemen Raged, UAE Hired U.S. Mercenaries to Kill Yemeni Leaders

Investigation: As U.S.-Backed War in Yemen Raged, UAE Hired U.S. Mercenaries to Kill Yemeni Leaders

‘A shocking new investigation has revealed that the United Arab Emirates hired U.S. mercenaries to carry out assassinations of political and clerical leaders in Yemen. The former elite U.S. special operations fighters were paid to take part in missions to kill those deemed to be “terrorists” by the UAE. The UAE worked with the U.S. company Spear Operations Group, founded by an Israeli-American man named Abraham Golan, who told BuzzFeed, “There was a targeted assassination program in Yemen. I was running it.” The group’s first target in Yemen was a local leader of al-Islah, a political party whose members include Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Tawakkul Karman. We speak with journalist Aram Roston of BuzzFeed News, who broke the story. His new piece is titled “A Middle East Monarchy Hired American Ex-Soldiers to Kill Its Political Enemies. This Could Be the Future of War.”’

‘…ARAM ROSTON: Indeed, it did happen under Obama, yes. The period of time was after the war—I mean, an interesting point was, after the war started in March, the U.S. pulled its forces directly out of Yemen, during the chaos of that war, when the war first started. The UAE, of course, still stayed there. They were the ones on the ground. And the Yemen war is a very complex war. People see that the UAE and the Saudis are in the same coalition, but the UAE and the Saudis have kind of different aims there, or traditionally had different aims there. The Saudis were bombing the Houthis, fighting the Houthis, which they believed are proxies for Iran, and the UAE, most experts will confirm, was really trying to consolidate control over the south. They want the south to separate, to secede. They want control of the ports in the south. And they want to control the political space there, because the UAE and Yemen are very close.

AMY GOODMAN: So they were trying to get the head of the al-Islah party. This is the party of Tawakkul Karman, who was sitting here a few years ago, right at the time the Nobel Peace Prize—the Nobel committee announced she was winning the Nobel Peace Prize. UAE can call them terrorists. UAE can hire a mercenary firm, the State Department would approve, to attack anyone they consider unfriendly to them?…’


original Buzzfeed article…: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/aramroston/mercenaries-assassination-us-yemen-uae-spear-golan-dahlan

No, the US didn't create ISIS – but it did help to create the circumstances from which it emerged. The conspiritorial Left fails and fails again to understand the difference between intent and unintended consequences, and also of taking advantage of a situations that which the US is not fully in control of.

That said, the US does tend to support the worst of the worst because it thinks it can with with them and rarely the people who want democracy and human rights - because how could the US ever control people with that agenda??

The ISIS Conspiracy That Ate the Web

‘…The intelligence report about Syria is just that — a report, It’s not a policy directive and there’s no proof that any action was taken based on its analysis. Nevertheless, people across the political spectrum are taking it as if it were a presidential order. Anti-Muslim bigot Pamela Geller thinks it’s a scandal because it proves President Obama knew about ISIS and chose to do nothing. Geller’s outrage is the inverse of the indignation expressed by far-leftists like the Guardian’s Seumas Milne who takes the report as proof that the U.S. abetted ISIS to sow discord in the Middle East, part of a grand divide and conquer strategy. Neither one seems to understand what they’re actually looking at.

Milne’s Guardian piece is subtler than its headline. It grants that the DIA report, “doesn’t mean the US created Isis, of course,” and adds caveats likes, “the report isn’t a policy document. It’s heavily redacted and there are ambiguities in the language.” But it assumes, ambiguities aside, that the report reveals some level of collusion with ISIS as a tenet of U.S. policy seeking to inflame sectarianism…’


The Empire gets fucked back

Moldova Grudge Could Cost U.K. Access to $1.7 Trillion Projects

‘…The U.K.’s post-Brexit access to $1.7 trillion in public projects relies on the good will of its European neighbors. Too bad Moldova holds a grudge.

The tiny country wedged between Romania and Ukraine is joining half a dozen nations in blocking the U.K.’s re-entry to the World Trade Organization’s Government Procurement Agreement, an accord that smooths the bidding process on public contracts, including in the $837 billion U.S. market.

Why the hold-up? Corina Cojocaru, Moldova’s economic counselor to the WTO, and her team were denied entry to the U.K. last year when they wanted to discuss their future relationship with Britain after it leaves the European Union.

And Cojocaru has a good memory.

“I couldn’t get a visa and a diplomatic passport to go to London to negotiate on government procurement,” Cojocaru said in a telephone interview. “Nobody listened to us for six to seven months.”…’


Big BDS legal win in Germany

‘…On 27 September, the administrative court of the northwestern German city of Oldenburg ruled that the municipality’s decision to cancel a 2016 BDS event had been unlawful.

It determined that the city council had “undermined the fundamental right of the applicant’s freedom of assembly” as well as freedom of expression, which, it added, “was (and is) severely interfered with.”

“The fundamental right to freedom of expression is, as the most direct expression of the human personality in society, one of the most distinguished human rights of all.”

The ruling, the first of its kind in Germany, could have broader political implications for BDS activism, said Ahmed Abed, the lawyer who represented event organizers in court. “This ruling could have a great impact because it is the first time an administrative court has said it is unlawful to disallow a BDS event.”…’


Nationalist rabbi: European Right no longer anti-Semitic

‘…Rabbi Melamed – who heads the Har Bracha Yeshiva in Samaria – explained that for many years, Israel’s Foreign Ministry was wary of the European right wing parties, because they harbored Nazi supporters and Holocaust deniers.

“But in recent years, the extreme right wing movements have been undergoing a process of change,” he added. “Leaders have emerged who want nothing to do with the racist Nazi heritage, and who openly support the state of Israel.”

These leaders “have distilled the movements’ nationalist positions, and now they express a proper position, which demands maintaining the European people’s national, religious and cultural identity,” the rabbi insisted.

Rabbi Melamed went on to say that “[j]ust as it is forbidden to steal the property of a private individual, as the communists did in the countries that they took over, so it is forbidden to steal from people their national and religious identity, as the communists’ successors – the extreme liberals on the Left, like the British Labor party – seek to do.”…’


If he wins, his brother Jack can take his place.

everything wrong and surreal about today’s #Murica Republican Party contained in one screenshot ????​

source: https://www.facebook.com/TheHill/posts/10156481355824087

everything wrong and surreal about today's #Murica Republican Party contained in one screenshot ????​

How restrictive voting requirements is the USA target minorities

Carol Anderson: ‘…And that’s one of the great ways the way voter suppression works, is that it sounds reasonable, until you see how it’s operationalized, and when you also understand, for instance, that the issue of voter I.D. is based on the lie of voter fraud.

And what I mean by that is that Justin Levitt, a professor out of California, did a study. And from 2000 to 2014, he counted up all of the votes in all of the elections and came to one billion votes. Out of that, he identified 31 cases of voter fraud, 31 cases out of one billion votes…’

transcript: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/how-restrictive-voting-requirements-target-minorities

There are so few refugees left in #Hungary these days that PM Viktor Orbán has selected a new scapegoat,,,,, the danger posed by Gender Studies ????​

‘…On October 12, 2018, without any public statement or explanation, gender studies Master degrees were removed from the list of accredited subjects in Hungary. Students currently enrolled can finish their course of studies as usual and with both Hungarian and US accreditation, but no new students enrolled from September 2019 will be able to earn a Hungarian accredited degree in the field of Gender Studies…’


music starts at 1:10

2018.10.17 Link Blog

The Five-Year-Old Who Was Detained at the Border and Persuaded to Sign Away Her Rights

‘…Helen—a smart, cheerful five-year-old girl—is an asylum seeker from Honduras [….]

In July, Helen fled Honduras with her grandmother, Noehmi, and several other relatives; gangs had threatened Noehmi’s teen-age son, Christian, and the family no longer felt safe. Helen’s mother, Jeny, had migrated to Texas four years earlier, and Noehmi planned to seek legal refuge there. With Noehmi’s help, Helen travelled thousands of miles, sometimes on foot, and frequently fell behind the group. While crossing the Rio Grande in the journey’s final stretch, Helen slipped from their raft and risked drowning. Her grandmother grabbed her hand and cried, “Hang on, Helen!” When the family reached the scrubland of southern Texas, U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended them and moved them through a series of detention centers.

[….] Helen was given a pack of crayons and spent the summer coloring patriotic images: busts of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, the torch on the Statue of Liberty. She was granted an hour of “Large Muscle Activity and Leisure Time” each day, and received lessons on the human respiratory system, the history of music, and “the risk and danger of social media.” “Helen,” a caseworker observed, “has excellent behavior at all times.” She had no major sources of stress, her reports noted, aside from “being separated from her family.” Her teachers encouraged her to develop “smart goals”—ambitions that are “Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.” Helen’s goal was simple: “Minor disclosed wanting to live with her mother and family in the U.S.”

[….] On Helen’s form, which was filled out with assistance from officials, there is a checked box next to a line that says, “I withdraw my previous request for a Flores bond hearing.” Beneath that line, the five-year-old signed her name in wobbly letters…’


Always read the end of NYT articles, that's where the info is. It looks like Trump is for a permanent occupation of parts of Syria...

‘…[Trump] has spoken positively about the idea of withdrawing the approximately 2,000 American soldiers who are based in eastern Syria in areas once controlled by the Islamic State, although he now appears committed to leaving them there. In August, his administration decided not to spent $230 million that had already been earmarked for stabilization programs in that area.

The Saudi money, in addition to another $50 million given by the United Arab Emirates, will allow American programs there to continue, but on other countries’ tabs.

The funds will be used by USAID and the State Department for a variety of programs, including infrastructure repairs and provision of health, education and sanitation services.’


Those Raised Fists Still Resonate, 50 Years Later

Those Raised Fists Still Resonate, 50 Years Later

‘…And beyond that, the Olympics were taking place amid turmoil around the nation and around the world. Two major assassinations in the United States. A student riot that paralyzed much of Paris. The Czech uprising against Communist rule that became known as Prague Spring. People beaten in the streets during the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

And in Mexico City, dozens, perhaps hundreds, of students protesting the country’s authoritarian government were killed by that same government.

The games went on anyway…’

‘…Smith and Carlos were banned from future participation in any Olympics for life. (They were in their early 20s in Mexico City, and this effectively prevented them from competing in other races in Munich and Montreal.) There were no offers of the complimentary stadium tickets usually offered to medaled athletes.

(Peter Norman suffered many of the same indignities when he returned to Australia. He was ostracized, never allowed on an Australian Olympic team again, despite qualifying in several national trials. His offense: wearing an Olympic Project for Human Rights button, like Smith and Carlos, and refusing to disavow his podium mates. When he died, in 2006, Smith and Carlos flew to Australia to be pallbearers.)

But for all the detractors, many thought of Carlos and Smith as heroes, especially in black America. Their upraised fists became a symbol of black refusal to submit to racial injustice — a precursor to today’s take-a-knee protests by NFL players…’

Who was that white guy?

And, I think people assume the white guy was separate from the black guys, not true

The third man: The forgotten Black Power hero

‘…Yet few know that the man standing in front of both of them, the Australian sprinter Peter Norman who shocked everyone by powering past Carlos and winning the silver medal, played his own, crucial role in sporting history.

‘…On his left breast he wore a small badge that read: “Olympic Project for Human Rights” — an organization set up a year previously opposed to racism in sport. But while Smith and Carlos are now feted as human rights pioneers, the badge was enough to effectively end Norman’s career. He returned home to Australia a pariah, suffering unofficial sanction and ridicule as the Black Power salute’s forgotten man. He never ran in the Olympics again.

[….] Australia too, was in the midst of racial strife. The country’s “White Australia” policy had provoked protests of its own. It put heavy restrictions on non-white immigration — and a raft of prejudicial laws against its indigenous aboriginal population, including a policy of taking Aboriginal children from their birth parents and handing them to white couples for adoption, a practice that continued until the 1970s…’


Even capitalist Forbes magazine is telling us capitalism is the problem, and still no one listens,,,,

quarterly reports are the motive of every corporation. corpos are zombies. only the living can stop them.


Bittersweet Justice in Guatemala
A Guatemalan court found that the army committed genocide against the Maya Ixi, but at the same time acquitted the chief of military intelligence of wrongdoing.

‘…In 2013, Guatemala brought charges against the former dictator, Efraín Ríos Montt, and his chief of military intelligence, Mauricio Rodríguez Sánchez, for the crimes of genocide against the Maya Ixil population. It was an historic trial, marking the first time in Guatemala that a former head of state was put on trial for serious human rights violations.

During Guatemala’s thirty-six-year civil war (1960-1996), 200,000 people, mostly civilians, were killed or disappeared and countless others were subjected to torture, sexual violence, forced labor, and forced displacement. Some 600 villages were destroyed. A UN commission found that ninety-three percent of atrocities were the responsibility of the Guatemalan military…’


A new study reveals the real reason Obama voters switched to Trump

‘…One of the most puzzling elements of the 2016 election, at least for a lot of Americans, was the millions of voters who switched from voting for Barack Obama in 2012 to Donald Trump in 2016. Somewhere between 6.7 million and 9.2 million Americans switched this way; given that the 2016 election was decided by 40,000 votes, it’s fair to say that Obama-Trump switchers were one of the key reasons that Hillary Clinton lost.

[….] The study, from three political scientists from around the country, takes a statistical look at a large sample of Obama-Trump switchers. It finds that these voters tended to score highly on measures of racial hostility and xenophobia — and were not especially likely to be suffering economically.

“White voters with racially conservative or anti-immigrant attitudes switched votes to Trump at a higher rate than those with more liberal views on these issues,” the paper’s authors write. “We find little evidence that economic dislocation and marginality were significantly related to vote switching in 2016.”…’


Some Bad News For Earth
by Tom Tomorrow

Some Bad News For Earth by Tom Tomorrow

the rest of this cartoon at: https://thenib.com/some-bad-news-for-earth

Howard Zinn’s “Three Holy Wars”

2018.10.16 LinkBlog

The Suffocation of Democracy
by Christopher R. Browning

‘…In threatening trade wars with allies and adversaries alike, Trump justifies increased tariffs on our allies on the specious pretext that countries like Canada are a threat to our national security. He combines his constant disparagement of our democratic allies with open admiration of authoritarians. His naive and narcissistic confidence in his own powers of personal diplomacy and his faith in a handshake with the likes of Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un recall the hapless Neville Chamberlain (a man in every other regard different from Trump). Fortunately the US is so embedded in the international order it created after 1945, and the Republican Party and its business supporters are sufficiently alarmed over the threat to free trade, that Trump has not yet completed his agenda of withdrawal, though he has made astounding progress in a very short time….’


The point of a space elevator is that it would be a long term investment that makes the EU hardwired to service earth's space needs. It would require a massive amount of money and global cooperation. But it is not a 'frill' but an essential contribution to getting us off this rock. All the above ideas are about getting individuals into space for a period of time – this is about building a motorway to the stars to be used by all.

Europe can do this.

My Great-Grandfather the Bundist
by Molly Crabapple

‘…Founded in 1897 in Vilna (Vilnius in modern-day Lithuania), and reaching its height in interwar Poland, the Bund was a sometimes-clandestine political party whose tenets were humane, socialist, secular, and defiantly Jewish. Bundists fought the Tsar, battled pogroms, educated shtetls, and ultimately helped lead the Warsaw Ghetto uprising. Though the Bund was largely obliterated by Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, the group’s opposition to Zionism better explains their absence from current consciousness. Though the Bund celebrated Jews as a nation, they irreconcilably opposed the establishment of Israel as a separate Jewish homeland in Palestine. The diaspora was home, the Bund argued. Jews could never escape their problems by the dispossession of others. Instead, Bundists adhered to the doctrine of do’ikayt or “Hereness.” Jews had the right to live in freedom and dignity wherever it was they stood….’


Ben Ferencz

Last surviving prosecutor at Nuremberg trials says Trump’s family separation policy is ‘crime against humanity’

‘…The lawyer said it was “painful” when he heard about how the Trump administration had separated more than 2,000 children from their families after they had crossed the US-Mexico border.[….] “We list crimes against humanity in the Statute of the International Criminal Court. We have ‘other inhumane acts designed to cause great suffering’. What could cause more great suffering than what they did in the name of immigration law? It’s ridiculous,” the prosecutor of war criminals said regarding the family separation policy…’


my video

Az Európai Baloldal szolidáris azokkal hajléktalanokkal – 2018.10.14

Egy mondat. Demonstráció a hajléktalanságban élők védelmében – 2018.10.14. . .Európai Baloldal Barátai: Az Európai Baloldal szolidáris azokkal hajléktalanokkal,akiket a kormány már fizikailag is üldöz, és mindenkit a szegények támogatására kérünk.Ők is egyenjogú állampolgárok, akik többet érdemelnek az államtól.Rövid távon a szociális lakások rendszerét kell kiépíteni.Hoszzabb távon véget kell vetni a neoliberális gazdaságpolitikának, az emberi jogokat veszélyeztető Fidesz-rezsimnek.

Publiée par A MI IDŐNK sur Mardi 16 octobre 2018


‘…For months in war-torn Yemen, some of America’s most highly trained soldiers worked on a mercenary mission of murky legality to kill prominent clerics and Islamist political figures.

Their target that night: Anssaf Ali Mayo, the local leader of the Islamist political party Al-Islah. The UAE considers Al-Islah to be the Yemeni branch of the worldwide Muslim Brotherhood, which the UAE calls a terrorist organization. Many experts insist that Al-Islah, one of whose members won the Nobel Peace Prize, is no terror group. They say it’s a legitimate political party that threatens the UAE not through violence but by speaking out against its ambitions in Yemen.

The mercenaries’ plan was to attach a bomb laced with shrapnel to the door of Al-Islah’s headquarters, located near a soccer stadium in central Aden, a key Yemeni port city. The explosion, one of the leaders of the expedition explained, was supposed to “kill everybody in that office.”…’

Yeah, no one cares really - but the MSM sure love to talk about their friend Jamal Kashoggi, don't they?

Saudi war on Yemen: World’s Worst Famine in a Century could Claim 13 Million

‘…Yemen is a country of some 29 million persons, but over a third of them are at risk of starvation if Saudi and UAE bombing campaigns continue. Lise Grand, the United Nations coordinator for Yemen, has warned that the world has only 3 months to halt the slide toward catastrophe.

[….] The war has so far taken at least 10,000 lives, and has displaced millions and left most of the country food insecure (i.e. not yet starving but one paycheck away from it)…’


When will people learn that 'fiscal discipline' is a bait and switch ideology?

Under the Fog of Kavanaugh, House Passes $3.8 Trillion More in Tax Cuts

‘…September 28, 2018
With attention fixed on the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation hearings, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a new $3.1 trillion tax cut on Friday. The vote was 220 to 191, including three Democrats [….] The House’s new bill takes effect starting in 2025, and would add $600 billion to the national debt within the next decade, and then $3.2 trillion in the 10 years after that…’


2018.10.15 LinkBlog – a lazy Monday

Same-sex mice have babies

At last the Feminist agenda can be completed! and I am not even saying that's such a bad idea. Would the world really be worse off if women ran things the way men do today? Serious question.

Same-sex mice have babies

‘…Baby mice have been made with two mums and no dad, say researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

It took a substantial feat of genetic engineering to break the rules of reproduction.The scientists said the “bimaternal” (two mammas) animals were healthy and went on to have pups of their own.

But there was bad news on the all-male front. Mice with double-dads were attempted, but died within days of being born.

[….] It was easier with double mums. The researchers took an egg from one mouse and a special type of cell – a haploid embryonic stem cell – from another. Both contained only half the required genetic instructions or DNA, but just bringing them together wasn’t enough…’

Language framing: The left is losing the language game

‘…The elephant continues to win. Whoever controls the words controls the ways in which ideas are framed. Anyone can disagree with your beliefs, but so long as they use the same framework of words you use to describe your beliefs, even in adamant opposition to them, you win…’


The Antifascists (2017) Documentary (full length)

‘A low-intensity war is being fought on the streets of Europe and the aim is on fascism. This critically acclaimed documentary takes us behind the masks of the militants called antifascists.

In 2013 a group of armed nazis attacks a peaceful demonstration in Stockholm where several people are injured. In Greece the neo-nazi party Golden Dawn becomes the third largest in the election and in Malmö the activist Showan Shattak and his friends are attacked by a group of nazis with knives and he ends up in a coma.

In this portrait of the antifascists in Greece and Sweden we get to meet key figures that explain their view on their radical politics but also to question the level their own violence and militancy.’

Anand Giridharadas

Why Real Change Won’t Come From Billionaire Philanthropists

‘When wealthy elites embrace issues such as inequality, poverty, climate change, women’s empowerment, and LGBTQ rights, are they spurring change—or reinforcing the status quo? In his new book Winners Take All, the writer Anand Giridharadas says it’s the latter. Giridharadas persuasively argues that when they adopt pressing social and economic issues as causes, plutocrats simply reinforce their position atop the hierarchy…’

Question: Billionaires like Jeff Bezos, George Soros, and Mike Bloomberg (who is allegedly considering running for president) position themselves as the antidote to Trump. But you see them and Trump more as flip sides of the same coin. Why is that?

Anand Giridharadas: ‘One of the things that became very clear to me as I reported this is: It’s not about billionaires we like versus billionaires we don’t like. This is not about rich people who do the right thing versus rich people who do the wrong thing. This is a fundamental question of, why do rich people have so much power over public life in America?…’


DNA Tests Prove Aboriginal Australians Are the World's Oldest Culture

DNA Tests Prove Aboriginal Australians Are the World’s Oldest Culture
The genetic study helps show that the ancestors of today’s Aboriginals came here about 58,000 years ago.

‘…Prior to this study being published, some scientists had debated whether or not modern Aboriginal people are the descendants of ancient tribes who first populated Australia. This research, the most comprehensive genomic study of Indigenous Australians to date, also helps to confirm that all humans share the same common ancestors from a single African migration event.

That event occurred when both Papuan and Aboriginal ancestors left Africa as part of a larger group of migrants around 72,000 years ago, then split with that main group of early humans about 58,000 years ago. Probably the first group of humans to cross an ocean, they reached “Sahul”—the supercontinent that was made up of modern day Tasmania, Australia, and New Guinea together—and then split apart about 37,000 years ago. The supercontinent only split up around 8,000 years ago.

“Australia has one of the longest histories of continuous human occupation outside Africa, raising questions of origins, relatedness to other populations, differentiation and adaptation,” the study concludes. “We find that Aboriginal Australians and Eurasians share genomic signatures… a common African ancestor.”…’


I always said #Murica elected an Internet Troll, now we must also count his wife...

‘…”I want to show them that I don’t care,” Melania Trump continued. “You could criticize whatever you want to say, but it will not stop me to do what I feel is right.”

She said her point was proven because by the time she put the jacket back on for her return flight, she could see “how the media got obsessed by it.”

First ladies and other political figures are often watched closely for what they wear, given the potential for sending messages and signals with fashion choices.

Trump’s choices, if anything, have prompted even more speculation than past first ladies.

Trump has criticized her husband’s “zero tolerance” immigration policy that separated families, and in the interview she said she was blindsided by it.

Her comments about the jacket in the ABC interview were in contrast with those of her spokeswoman, who at the time said the jacket had “no hidden message”.

President Trump, however, said the jacket was meant to be a hit at the media.

The president eventually halted the policy following widespread criticism from both parties, but The Washington Post reported on Friday that new options are being considered that could again separate families as officials deal with a new surge of immigrants at the border…’


I suspect this is Left-wing vapourware

Kurds in Syria Will Use Crypto to Power an Anarchist State

‘…Because its primary currency is the Syrian lira, the main currency of the Syrian state (which Rojava has just spent years fighting), there’s a growing belief in some quarters that cryptocurrency could provide a better alternative, Erselan Serdem, a leader of Rojava’s technological development program, told CoinDesk.

Alongside a system of self-governing communes, Rojava plans to implement new technological academies, with a particular emphasis on cryptography and cryptocurrency, Serdem said.

Assisting the change is Amir Taaki, an early bitcoin developer who fought alongside Rojava in the war. As detailed by CoinDesk, Taaki is also in the process of setting up a European-based technological academy in Barcelona.

“[Rojava is] a revolutionary project that wants to build a new society based on anarchist principles, and that means law, defense, society and culture,” Taaki told CoinDesk.

The new academies follow the philosophy of Kurdish political theorist Abdullah Ocalan, who is promoting a form of governance called “democratic confederalism.” Advocating for direct democracy, feminism and ecology, Serdem said that blockchain and cryptocurrency are crucial for achieving this vision…’


Archbishop Oscar Romero

In the history of Catholicism it will be remembered that America's CIA crucified one of its martyred saints.

The killing of Archbishop Oscar Romero was one of the most notorious crimes of the cold war. Was the CIA to blame?

‘…The men received orders from a National Police detective, Oscar Perez Linares, who came to the house. A man of few words, he was treated by the others with the respect reserved for those not afraid to kill. Several times, Jorge heard the others laughing at how Linares had shot Romero. Linares sat with a half-smile. “You should have seen the blood that came from that priest!” was his only comment.

At the time, Jorge’s story was impossible to check – although the rest of what he said turned out to be true. After the war, I looked in declassified CIA files. Sure enough, in mid-1983, an unusually detailed CIA report, quoting a senior Salvadoran police source, named Linares as a member of a four-man National Police squad which murdered Romero. Other Salvadoran officers said the same thing. And the man who drove the car which took the killer to the church also picked out a photo-fit of Linares. So why, if the CIA had such evidence, and solving the murder was such a priority, was nothing done?…’


2018.10.12 LinkBlog – Link Dump

Catching up and I got to kill loads of tabs, therefore I will just post the links and headlines...

The banana is dying. The race is on to reinvent it before it’s too late

Some fairy tales may be 6000 years old

British Army starts recruiting for revived Monuments Men unit to protect art and archaeology in war

My photo, more at http://redjade.tumblr.com or https://www.facebook.com/DzsediFenykepesz

Dr. Gabor Maté – Trauma, Addiction, & The Use Of Psychedelics

Capitalism Makes us Crazy: Dr Gabor Maté on Illness & Addiction

Reality Is Just a Bunch of Hallucinations We Collectively Agree On

Naomi Klein: We’ve Entered a Frightening New Era of Capitalism

Why European Islam’s current problems might reflect a 100-year-old mistake

My Great-Grandfather the Bundist

‘I spent seven years fighting to survive’: Chelsea Manning on whistleblowing and WikiLeaks

The Myth of the Lazy Nonvoter

Erik Prince, in Kabul, pushes privatization of the Afghan war

Caring for Gaza’s stray cats ‘with all the money we had left’

The Supreme Court Is Headed Back to the 19th Century

What would cities look like if they were designed by mothers?

Flawed reporting on antisemitism claims against the Labour party

Neil deGrasse Tyson: A Celebrity Salesman for the Military-Industrial-Complex

U.S.-led forces appear to be using white phosphorus in populated areas in Iraq and Syria

Why Was Monty Python Anti-Zionist Scene Cut From The Life Of Brian?

Walmart Patented a Cart That Reads Your Pulse and Temperature

Neoliberalism has conned us into fighting climate change as individuals
– Martin Lukacs

The New York Times Bombshell That Bombed
And what the Grey Lady can still do to find an audience for its Trump tax story.

The truths that won’t be heard
A never-shown Al Jazeera documentary on the pro-Israel lobby in the United States reveals possibly illegal Israeli spying on American citizens, and the lobby’s fear of a changing political mood.

Sex with Neanderthals helped modern humans survive, says study

FAMILY TREE: DNA study confirms Native Americans descended from a single ancestral group

Silicon Valley’s Keystone Problem: ‘A Monoculture of Thought’

Myth-busting the self-shredding Banksy painting

2018.10.11 LinkBlog

Not a bad idea

The man who never released his tax returns wants to tax speech against him. Tyranny much?

‘…For the first time, the U.S. government wants demonstrators to pay to use our parks, sidewalks and streets to engage in free speech in the nation’s capital. This should be called what it is: a protest tax.

This is a bold effort by the Trump administration to burden and restrict access to public spaces for First Amendment activities in Washington. If enacted, it would fundamentally alter participatory democracy in the United States.

[….] Such a “pay to protest” plan will probably be challenged in court. The right to petition the government for a redress of grievances cannot be burdened by such charges. And discretionary fees or measures that can serve as a proxy for content-based discrimination are unconstitutional.

[….] Free speech is not a cost. It is a value. It is a fundamental pillar of democracy.

It also costs money to hold elections, to print ballots, to open and staff polling places. Yet we have recognized and rejected poll taxes as anti-democratic methods of voter suppression. Charging for protest is no different…’


Charges Dismissed in Pipeline Shutdown Case

Charges Dismissed in Pipeline Shutdown Case

‘Charges were dismissed against Emily Johnston, Annette Klapstein, and their support person Ben Joldersma in a criminal case stemming from an October 11, 2016 action that shut down tar sands oil from flowing [….]

Judge Robert Tiffany dismissed the charges, saying that based on the statutes being used, there was not enough evidence to charge Emily Johnston with damaging pipeline equipment. He also found that charging Annette Klapstein and Ben Joldersma with aiding and abetting the damage was impossible because damage couldn’t be proved. The statute’s “clear definition” of a pipeline also did not include the chains that were cut to enter the valve site.

The decision came as a surprise in a trial that the defense had suggested could go into Friday. The defense was based around a historic “necessity defense,” in which Johnston, Klapstein and Joldersma openly admitted to their actions that would normally be a crime, but that they insist were necessary to prevent greater harm to humans on the Earth…’


Yes, Lock her up. But only after we can tax Trump's Nuremberg Rallies, also.

‘…President Trump’s supporters don’t care which woman gets locked up, as long as one of them does.

At a rally in Iowa on Tuesday night, attendees began chanting “lock her up” when Trump referenced Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and her handling of allegations against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh…’



So fucked up.

US Weapons Systems Are Easy Cyberattack Targets, New Report Finds

‘…the report concludes that almost all weapons that the DoD tested between 2012 and 2017 have “mission critical” cyber vulnerabilities. “Using relatively simple tools and techniques, testers were able to take control of systems and largely operate undetected, due in part to basic issues such as poor password management and unencrypted communications,” the report states. And yet, perhaps more alarmingly, the officials who oversee those systems appeared dismissive of the results.

[….] The GAO report says that one tester was able to guess an admin password on a weapons system in nine seconds. Other weapons used commercial or open-source software but administers failed to change the default passwords. Yet another tester managed to partially shut down a weapons system by merely scanning it—a technique so basic, the GAO says, it “requires little knowledge or expertise.”

Testers were sometimes able to take full control of these weapons. “In one case, it took a two-person test team just one hour to gain initial access to a weapon system and one day to gain full control of the system they were testing,” the report states…’



Can Civilization Survive What’s Coming?

‘…Here’s what this new IPCC report says, in a nutshell: To avoid blowing through the 1.5 C target, nations of the world need to cut carbon pollution as fast as humanly possible. To be more precise, nations of the world need to get to zero carbon emissions by 2050.

Let me underscore this: It’s not enough that Portland, Oregon, or Berkeley, California, get to zero carbon emissions by 2050. Or the entire state of California, for that matter. Or even the entire United States. The entire world must eliminate (or offset)carbon pollution by 2050.

“It’s like a deafening, piercing smoke alarm going off in the kitchen. We have to put out the fire,” Erik Solheim, executive director of the U.N. Environment Program, told the Washington Post…’


France sued for ‘crimes against humanity’ over nuclear tests in South Pacific

‘France is being taken to the International Criminal Court for nuclear weapons tests in French Polynesia. France has long denied responsibility for the impacts of the tests and only recently began compensating civilians.

[….] Oscar Temaru, the archipelago’s former president and current leader of the Tavini Huiraatira Party, announced the move during a United Nations committee dealing with decolonization.

Temaru accused France of “crimes against humanity” and said that he hopes to hold French presidents accountable for the nuclear tests with the ICC complaint.

“We owe it to all the people who died from the consequences of nuclear colonialism,” he told the UN committee.

[….] The French territory, currently home to 290,000 people, is best known for the popular tourist island of Tahiti, but its atolls of Mururoa and Fangataufa were used for decades for nuclear tests.

France carried out 193 nuclear weapons tests on islands in the archipelago between 1960 and 1996 until French President Jacques Chirac halted the program.

Around 150,000 military and civilian personnel were involved in France’s nuclear tests, with thousands of them later developing serious health problems.

[….] In 2010, France passed a law allowing military veterans and civilians to be compensated if their cancer could be attributed to the nuclear tests.

Out of approximately 1,000 people who have filed complaints against France, only 20 have been compensated…’


Nazi enough to call it Nazi-like?

Migrant children may be adopted after parents are deported

‘…Holes in immigration laws are allowing state court judges to grant custody of migrant children to American families without notifying their deported parents [….] Legally, when a parent is deported without their child, that child is not supposed to be allowed to be permanently adopted.

“And the reality is that for every parent who is not located, there will be a permanent orphaned child,” U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw said in August.

[….] Associated Press’s conclusions are especially important given that 300 parents were deported to Central America without their children just this summer as part of the Trump administration’s “zero tolerance” policy at the border…’


More Capitalism means More Freedom, or not.

EFF To Texas AG: Epson Tricked Its Customers With a Dangerous Fake Update

‘…Back in 2016, printing giant HP sent a deceitful, malicious update to millions of OfficeJet and OfficeJet Pro printers that disguised itself as a ‘security update.’ Users who trusted HP and applied the update discovered to their chagrin that the update didn’t improve their printers’ security: rather, the updated printers had acquired the ability to reject cheaper ink, forcing the printer owners to throw away their third-party and refilled ink cartridges and buy new ones.

Now, Epson has followed suit: in late 2016 or early 2017, Epson started sending deceptive updates to many of its printers. Just like HP, Epson disguised these updates as routine software improvements, when really they were poison pills, designed to downgrade printers so they could only work with Epson’s expensive ink systems…’


Computers are not gender-neutral because the humans who programmed them are not gender-neutral.

‘Amazon.com Inc’s machine-learning specialists uncovered a big problem: their new recruiting engine did not like women.

[….] “Everyone wanted this holy grail,” one of the people said. “They literally wanted it to be an engine where I’m going to give you 100 resumes, it will spit out the top five, and we’ll hire those.”

But by 2015, the company realized its new system was not rating candidates for software developer jobs and other technical posts in a gender-neutral way.

That is because Amazon’s computer models were trained to vet applicants by observing patterns in resumes submitted to the company over a 10-year period. Most came from men, a reflection of male dominance across the tech industry. ..’


Who was Cecilia Payne?

‘…Not only did Cecilia Payne discover what the universe is made of, she also discovered what the sun is made of (Henry Norris Russell, a fellow astronomer, is usually given credit for discovering that the sun’s composition is different from the Earth’s, but he came to his conclusions four years later than Payne—after telling her not to publish).

Cecilia Payne is the reason we know basically anything about variable stars (stars whose brightness as seen from earth fluctuates). Literally every other study on variable stars is based on her work…’


Cecilia Payne

like, duh...

It’s better to be born rich than gifted

‘…A revolution in genomics is creeping into economics. It allows us to say something we might have suspected, but could never confirm: money trumps genes.

Using one new, genome-based measure, economists found genetic endowments are distributed almost equally among children in low-income and high-income families. Success is not.

The least-gifted children of high-income parents graduate from college at higher rates than the most-gifted children of low-income parents…’
