The Hubris of America's MiniMe
How Israel Spies on US Citizens
‘…they were spying on US citizens with the help of Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs, founded in 2006, which reports directly to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [….]
The documentary was expected to be a media sensation, bringing outraged denials and intense controversy. But then the broadcast was postponed, with no official explanation. Eventually, articles in the US Jewish media revealed that it would never be shown. Clayton Swisher, Al Jazeera’s director of investigative journalism, expressed regret at the decision in a published article, and announced he was taking sabbatical leave. The documentary had been sacrificed to the fierce battle between Qatar on one side and Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the other for US support in the feud that began in June 2017. What better way to do this than by winning the favour of the pro-Israel lobby, known for its influence on US policy in the Middle East?
[….] a specter haunts the [Israel] lobby: the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS).
BDS, launched in 2005, aims to use the nonviolent methods that proved effective in South Africa under apartheid. It is growing in popularity on US campuses…’
What could possibly go wrong? :-o
Russia Is Opening A “Jurassic Park-Style” Research Lab In Siberia
‘…The sub-zero temperatures of this part of the world mean it’s a prime location for this “breed” of research. Around 80 percent of soft tissue samples of extinct animals from the Pleistocene and Holocene have been unearthed in this area. That’s namely thanks to permafrost, which helps preserve the tissue like a prehistoric refrigerator.
Even just this week, scientists revealed the discovery of a perfectly preserved 40,000-year-old foal in the Yakutia region of northern Siberia. Last year, researchers found two perfectly preserved cave lion cubs from over 12,000 years ago.
“There is no such unique material anywhere else in the world,” Dr Lena Grigorieva told The Siberian Times…’
Incredible photos by David Turnley of the Aretha Franklin funeral :-o
– please browse through them all!
US ends aid to Palestinian refugee agency Unrwa
I had the privilege today to photograph the historic funeral for the Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin in Detroit….
Publiée par David Turnley sur Vendredi 31 août 2018
Trump cuts UN money for Palestinian Refugees, while sending billions of dollars and weapons to their oppressors.
‘The United States is ending all funding for the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency, the US State Department says. It described the organisation, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (Unrwa), as “irredeemably flawed”. The US administration has “carefully reviewed” the issue and “will not make additional contributions to Unrwa,” spokeswoman Heather Nauert said.
A spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas later said the move was an “assault” against his people…’
3. These very programs have a proven track record in creating one of the most successful human development processes and results in the Middle East. The international state community, our donors and host countries have consistently praised UNRWA for its achievements and standards
— Chris Gunness (@ChrisGunness) August 31, 2018
Why is Russia ginning up the possibility of war with the USA today?
Today Russia’s most popular daily warns of “direct military confrontation” between Russia & the US in Syria & accuses America of “preparing to light the fuse of carnage.”
— Steve Rosenberg (@BBCSteveR) September 1, 2018
Perhaps his name should have tipped somebody off that he was a racist?: Ian Smith
‘Ian M. Smith, a Department of Homeland Security analyst who resigned this week after he was confronted about his ties to white nationalist groups, attended multiple immigration policy meetings at the White House, according to government officials familiar with his work.
Smith quit his job Tuesday after being questioned about personal emails he sent and received between 2014 and 2016, before he joined the Trump administration. The messages, obtained by the Atlantic and detailed in a report published Tuesday, depict Smith engaging in friendly, casual conversations with prominent white supremacists and racists.
In one email from 2015, Smith responded to a group dinner invitation whose host said his home would be “judenfrei,” a German word used by the Nazis during World War II to describe territory that had been “cleansed” of Jews during the Holocaust…’
Hamid Dabashi writes…
‘Barack Obama gave Zionists 38 billion dollars in military aid to enable them better to drop bombs and maim and murder Palestinians at will—
Donald Trump just cut a minimum of financial aid the US contributed to UNRWA to help Palestinians survive in their refuge camps —so his rabid Zionist son-in-law Jared Kushner and that wicked creature Nikki Haley can wipe out the global recognition of Palestinians as refugees —
Now I forgot: one of these two US presidents we are supposed terribly to miss and be nostalgic about his gentility and kindness, civility and liberality of spirit — while the other is so terrible and rude we cannot wait to impeach and throw out of office — but right now I cannot tell which is which —the cool handsome one that armed Israel to teeth to kill more Palestinians and steal their land or the ugly racist one who is determined to starve them to death’
Map: All the Countries John McCain Has Wanted to Attack