911 day. the day american foreign policy went off the rails.
my photos from my photoblog
Sept 11th 1973
‘…Suppose that on 9-11 the planes had bombed the White House. Suppose they’d killed the president, established a military dictatorship, quickly killed thousands, tortured ten of thousands more, set up a major international terror center that was carrying out assassinations, overthrowing goverments all over the place, installing other dictatorships, and drove the country into one of the worst depressions in its history and had to call on the state to bail them out. Suppose that had happened? It did happen. On the first 9-11 in 1973. Except we were responsible for it so it didn’t happen. That´s Allende’s Chile. You can’t imagine the media talking about this…’
– Noam Chomsky on the Pinochet coup. .
17 years today people started believing in a lot of bullshit on teh internets.
And continuing on the topic of conspiracy theories, why do not people dwell obsessively on this real issue?? I have never even read of ChemTrails being blamed for this. Why is it that people are entranced by 911 bullshit, but do not see much worse things on the immediate horizon?
‘…A strange thing has happened to men over the past few decades: We’ve become increasingly infertile, so much so that within a generation we may lose the ability to reproduce entirely. What’s causing this mysterious drop in sperm counts—and is there any way to reverse it before it’s too late?
[….] The results, when they came in, were clear. Not only were sperm counts per milliliter of semen down by more than 50 percent since 1973, but total sperm counts were down by almost 60 percent: We are producing less semen, and that semen has fewer sperm cells in it. This time around, even scientists who had been skeptical of past analyses had to admit that the study was all but unassailable. Jørgensen, in Copenhagen, told me that when he saw the results, he’d said aloud, “No, it cannot be true.” He had expected to see a past decline and then a leveling off. But he couldn’t argue when the team ran the numbers again and again. The downward slope was unwavering…’
Conjuring Up the Next Depression
Chris Hedges writes..
‘During the financial crisis of 2008, the world’s central banks, including the Federal Reserve, injected trillions of dollars of fabricated money into the global financial system. This fabricated money has created a worldwide debt of $325 trillion, more than three times global GDP. The fabricated money was hoarded by banks and corporations, loaned by banks at predatory interest rates, used to service interest on unpayable debt or spent buying back stock, providing millions in compensation for elites.
The fabricated money was not invested in the real economy. Products were not manufactured and sold. Workers were not reinstated into the middle class with sustainable incomes, benefits and pensions. Infrastructure projects were not undertaken. The fabricated money reinflated massive financial bubbles built on debt and papered over a fatally diseased financial system destined for collapse.
What will trigger the next crash? The $13.2 trillion in unsustainable U.S. household debt? The $1.5 trillion in unsustainable student debt? The billions Wall Street has invested in a fracking industry that has spent $280 billion more than it generated from its operations? Who knows. What is certain is that a global financial crash, one that will dwarf the meltdown of 2008, is inevitable. And this time, with interest rates near zero, the elites have no escape plan…’
These Are the 3 Pernicious Forces Protecting Trump from Impeachment
Here’s why Trump continues to survive all the scandals and crises of his administration.
By J.M. Opal
• The tycoons
• The chosen people
• The real estate mogul unites the right[….] Individually, these groups cannot win elections…’
Bell Burnell: Physics star gives away £2.3m prize
‘One of the UK’s leading female astronomers is to donate her £2.3m winnings from a major science prize she was awarded.
The sum will go to fund women, under-represented ethnic minority and refugee students to become physics researchers.
Prof Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell has been awarded a Breakthrough Prize for the discovery of radio pulsars…’
11th Sep 1973: the Chilean coup d'etat was carried out. Thatcher went on to thank Pinochet for bringing "democracy to Chile". pic.twitter.com/OWzgrXkgT6
— Crimes of Britain (@crimesofbrits) September 10, 2018
and Cas Mudde adds to this map…
Useful map, but forgets:
1) Fidesz ???????? (49.3%)
2) SNS ???????? (8.4%)
3) VB ???????? (3.7%)Some would argue, it also forgets
4) PiS ???????? (37.6%)
5) FrP ???????? (15.2%)