‘The anger games are far from over’: A sociologist explains why uneducated white males won’t abandon ‘bullying’ Trump over Kavanaugh allegations
‘…Kavanaugh gave a speech in 2015 that has now become notorious, in which he said, “What happens at Georgetown Prep, stays at Georgetown Prep. That’s been a good thing for all of us I think.”…’
Another millionaire funded foundation effort to reinvent journalism. It is not that this is always results in something bad, but that again the model that journalism can be independent and self-funding and self-supporting has become a massive failure in the 'Information Age' – which is a huge conundrum.
new news website: https://themarkup.org/
‘The Markup, dedicated to investigating technology and its effect on society, will be led by two former ProPublica journalists. Craig Newmark gave $20 million to help fund the operation.
[….] The group has also raised $2 million from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, and $1 million collectively from the Ford Foundation, the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, and the Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence Initiative.
[….] Craigslist, which Mr. Newmark founded in the mid-1990s, helped to decimate print newspapers’ main source of revenue at the time: classified advertising. Recently, he has given several substantial donations to journalistic institutions, including $20 million to the CUNY Graduate School of Journalism.
“We’re in an information war now,” Mr. Newmark said…’
She gets rock n roll a rock n roll station
And a rock n roll dream
She’s making movies on location
She don’t know what it means
But the music make her want to be the story
Steve Austin and the Six Million Dollar Man?

My photos
Voltál a Bacsó Béla utcában mostanában? A dzsentrifikáció tönkreteszi. // Have you visited Bacsó Béla utca lately? Gentrification is destroying it.
Budapest Hungary
District VIII, Bacsó Béla utca & Klu-Béla
September 2018
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Voltál a Bacsó Béla utcában mostanában? A dzsentrifikáció tönkreteszi. // Have you visited Bacsó Béla utca lately? …
Publiée par Dzsédí Budapesti Fényképész – redjade photography sur Lundi 24 septembre 2018
Spain. Just Do It.
Spain ‘ready to recognise Palestinian state’, urges EU to join
‘…Spain is to spearhead a move within the European Union to recognise Palestine as an independent state, the country’s foreign minister said, adding that if the initiative fails the government is ready to recognise Palestine individually
If the EU “is not able to reach unanimous decision – each to their own,” Spain’s Foreign Minister Josep Borrell said at a conference of European Union leaders in Austria Tuesday, according to Haaretz. Newly appointed Borrell added that an alternative option of Spanish recognition of the Palestinian state is “on the table.”
[….] Sweden is the only state to officially recognise Palestine while being a member of the EU, which it did in 2014. Following a severe backlash from Israel, other EU countries did not follow suit…’