2018.09.04 LinkBlog

Natalie on ContraPoints

If you follow the Youtube star Natalie Wynn of ContraPoints, then you should read this article in its entirety. Natalie is the only 'Youtube' that I watch consistently and have watched most (but not all) of her videos. Always both entertaining and educational and makes you think days after watching. I cannot say this for any other youtube channel.

Little more can be said than this: ‘ContraPoints is an elegant, whip-smart middle finger to the putrefying swamps of the internet’

please read: The Oscar Wilde Of Youtube Fights The Alt-Right With Decadence And Seduction

‘…Irony is a means rather than an end for ContraPoints. In an era saturated by Dadaist humor on every social media platform, where memes become news, this can seem to be a meaningless distinction. But it makes all the difference. For all of her racy humor, Wynn is no edgelord. Throughout her interview, she was nothing if not deeply sincere.

She decries what she calls the “South Park” sensibility, which, as she sees it, holds that “the problem with the world is that some people take it seriously.” It’s a centrist viewpoint, she says, which “the fascists latched right onto and did a great job with, because who cares more than the social justice warriors? ‘Look at them with their signs, their protests, their complaints. Look at these poor, naive, uncool fools caring about a thing and trying to make the world better unironically.’”

But at the same time, she observed that irony could be a powerful tool to make people care…’

‘…Her views have been influenced by the characters she has created, too. The wildly popular character of Tabby — an anarcho-communist trans cat-girl who sports an ANTIFA patch and wields a baseball bat to smash capitalism — began life as a caricature of radicals that Wynn felt weren’t strategically minded enough. But her audience “resonated with the character,” finding her a “cute and sort of cathartic” presence and, thus, she says, “I’ve switched to portraying her in a more sympathetic light.” Increasingly, Tabby feels like a part of Wynn’s own psyche as she herself has radicalized.

In a recent video, when Contra and Tabby were arguing about revolution versus electoral reform, Tabby broached the unsettling possibility that the 2020 presidential election might be “delayed” or canceled outright. “Well,” Contra said, “then I’ll transition into you and become you unironically.” It feels like she’s getting there, certainly…’

ok, enough pull quotes from an article a lot of quotes to pull! just read it...
The Oscar Wilde Of Youtube Fights The Alt-Right With Decadence And Seduction

Stephanie McMillan’s commentary on USA Labor Day and the 8-hour day…

Stephanie McMillan

Billy Bragg: There Is Power in a Union
‘Labor Day music: Billy Bragg performs “There Is Power in a Union” in the Democracy Now! studio in 2011’

Billy Bragg: There Is Power in a Union

Labor Day music: Billy Bragg performs "There Is Power in a Union" in the Democracy Now! studio in 2011

Publiée par Democracy Now! sur Lundi 3 septembre 2018

Israeli forces begin demolition campaign in al-Walaja

TODAY: Heartbreaking video of Palestinian families trying to save their homes from being demolished in al-Walaja (west of the southern occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem). Palestinians organized sit-ins and stood on roofs and stayed in their homes. They were met with terrible violence and injury by Israeli forces.

The homes are being demolished under the pretext of not having permits which are virtually impossible for Palestinians to obtain.

More: http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=780916
Video via twitter Nasser Atta @nasseratta5

Israeli forces begin demolition campaign in al-Walaja

TODAY: Heartbreaking video of Palestinian families trying to save their homes from being demolished in al-Walaja (west of the southern occupied West Bank city of Bethlehem). Palestinians organized sit-ins and stood on roofs and stayed in their homes. They were met with terrible violence and injury by Israeli forces. The homes are being demolished under the pretext of not having permits which are virtually impossible for Palestinians to obtain. More: http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=780916Video via twitter Nasser Atta @nasseratta5

Publiée par Jewish Voice for Peace sur Lundi 3 septembre 2018

When I started on Mastodon (around the first 8 months, or so, I think) there were no, or almost no, Hungarians on it. I tried to convince some of my Hungarian Geek friends to start a Mastodon instance, but there was no interest. I am happy to see today that there are many (but still not a lot) Hungarians on this new social media 'platform' – https://MSTDN.hu

mstdn.hu Mastodon instancia  Magyar Mastodon közösség
mstdn.hu Mastodon instancia
– Magyar Mastodon közösség

Every 'instance' (server, basically) of Mastodon has it's own rules, and that is a feature of Mastodon, not a bug. So, the following is ok in the Masto-verse.

‘…the use of Nazi and / or Communist symbols and the criminalization of any criminal law perpetrated by violent dictatorships. Certifying abusive anti-communist activity…’ [Bad google translation]

Considering that I am on the https://soc.ialis.me instance I find this a bit shocking, even if I do understand the Hungarian mentality and historical experience behind it.

But still, the Red Star and communist symbols have been legal in Hungary since 2008, thanks to the European Court of Human Rights, read: http://echrblog.blogspot.com/2008/07/red-star-judgment.html. The essence of this court ruling was that the Red Star means many things to many people, whereas the Swastika (especially in the European context) pretty much only means one thing – therefore the Swastika should remain illegal while the Red Star should be legal in Hungary, and elsewhere in Europe.

Stalin, Zapatistas and Heineken, all use the red star, but the meanings are different for each.
Stalin, Zapatistas and Heineken, all use the red star, but the meanings are different for each.

‘… In the Court’s view, a legal system which applies restrictions on human rights in order to satisfy the dictates of public feeling – real or imaginary – cannot be regarded as meeting the pressing social needs recognised in a democratic society, since that society must remain reasonable in its judgement. To hold otherwise would mean that freedom of speech and opinion is subjected to the heckler’s veto…’

– European Court of Human Rights, ‘Vajnai v. Hungary’, 2008

WIR SIND MEHR Anti-NeoNazi protest, Chemnitz, Germany – 2018.09.03
WIR SIND MEHR Anti-NeoNazi protest, Chemnitz, Germany – 2018.09.03

Also see:



2018.09.05 LinkBlog #Hungary

a cry for help and awareness from all Europeans for Hungary...


»»» Download the pdf: https://www.amnesty.hu/data/file/4241-update-developments-in-hungary_hhc-hclu-ai.pdf?version=1415642342

‘After Fidesz’s overwhelming electoral victory in April 2018, many observers believed Prime Minister Orbán would curb his voracious appetite for turning Hungary into an illiberal state. These expectations were grievously miscalculated.

An illiberal state is nearing completion in Hungary.

Hungary remains part of the European Union (EU), but its actions contradict the core values of the EU. Although constitutional institutions do exist, they no longer act as checks and balances on executive power but merely facilitate its operation. Over the past years, legal reforms have weakened independent institutions and independent media, universities, human rights and civil society organizations have been under attack.

Now, backed by its parliamentary supermajority, the government has turned to dismantling the last remaining and independent defenders of pluralism and of the rule of law by enacting new constitutional reforms and laws. Again independent institutions and voices are the first targets of this renewed attack.

We are at the moment when rule of law ends and arbitrary rule begins…’

»»» Download the pdf: https://www.amnesty.hu/data/file/4241-update-developments-in-hungary_hhc-hclu-ai.pdf?version=1415642342

Orban’s EU-funded hobby train ran empty for 10 days in the past year

Orban’s EU-funded hobby train ran empty for 10 days in the past year

‘Since it began operations in April 2016 the Vál Valley Light Railway has accumulated a total of 39,500 euros (12.3 million forints) in losses. This light railway operates in prime minister Viktor Orban’s home village of Felcsút. In the last year, its net losses totalled 27,000 euros (8.2 million Hungarian forints). This is exactly twice as much as the loss it accrued in the first 14 months of its operation.

In 2015 Atlatszo first reported that the Orban government decided to spend nearly two million euros (600 million forints) of European Union funds on the light railway. It runs for 6 kilometers from nearby the soccer stadium built next to the PM’s house. Some Hungarians nicknamed the light railway the prime minister’s own ’hobby train.

[….] According to the data provided to us by the foundation, 31,899 tickets were sold during the 12 months in question. Their best day was December 2, 2017, the second day of the local three-day Santa Claus celebration.

In May and June 2018 there were 10 days when not tickets were sold and the trains were running empty…’


I have heard for years now from Hungarian liberals that Orbán is a stupid man, during that time he has been building in international profile to the point were he is now a european leader. Soon we will have Euro elections and the 'liberal-Left' has (again) no vision of what they want Europe to be, but Orbán does. What a disaster :-/

Matteo Salvini and Viktor Orbán to form anti-migration front

‘…The Italian interior minister, Matteo Salvini, and the Hungarian prime minister, Viktor Orbán, have said they are “walking down the same path” after discussing the formation of a common anti-migration front they said would oppose the policies of the French president.

“We want to change Europe’s commission. We want to protect our borders. We are going to fight pro-migrant policies supported by [Emmanuel] Macron and [George] Soros,” Salvini said after the pair met in Milan.

[….] “European elections are coming. We have to change a lot of things,” Orbán said on Tuesday. “There are two sides at the moment in Europe. One is led by Macron, who is supporting migration. The other one is supported by countries who want to protect their borders. Hungary and Italy belong to the latter.”

[….] “Hungary has shown that we can stop migrants on land. Salvini has shown migrants can be stopped at sea. We thank him for protecting Europe’s borders,” Orbán said…’


milo yiannopoulos

Milo Yiannopoulos and Steve Bannon spoke in Hungary — it cost $60,000, seemingly in taxpayer money

‘The cost of getting Milo Yiannopoulos and Steve Bannon to Hungary for hourlong speeches in Budapest in May was upwards of $60,000 — including a $20,000 speaking fee for each, or nearly the equivalent of four years of low-skilled labor in the Central European country — according to contracts obtained by Mic. And some of the funds came from Hungarian taxpayers.

The contracts created for Yiannopoulos’ and Bannon’s appearances were given to Mic by the head of Hungary’s opposition party and via an information request, respectively. The documents detail the agreements between the two men — key figures of the so-called alt-right who were formerly affiliated with Breitbart — and the Public Foundation for the Research of Central and East European History and Society, or PFRCEEHS, a publicly funded organization whose website says it performs “government tasks related to the protection of educational and the cultural goods.” The foundation is led by Mária Schmidt, an ally of Hungary’s newly re-elected Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, who is often described as an autocrat.

Bannon and Yiannopoulos were each slated to be paid $20,000 for hourlong speeches by the organization, which promised to pay “the costs associated with appearing at” their respective speeches. These costs included roughly $12,000 for Yiannopoulos’ and an associate’s plane tickets, and roughly $12,000 more for the costs of Bannon and his staff to stay at a five-star hotel for four nights, along with various food and catering charges, according to invoices from the Kempinski Hotel Corvinus in Budapest provided to Mic as a result of the information request.

The over-$60,000 total does not include the price of plane tickets for Bannon and his staff. Hungarian authorities told Mic the PFRCEEHS did not pay Bannon’s airfare, although the contract does state the foundation will pay for “two first-class and two business-class one-way airplane tickets with priority passes.” The documents do not reveal the cost of Yiannopoulos’s accommodation, either, though he and his associate were promised “3 nights in a 4 (four) star hotel … including breakfast.”…’

read the rest at: https://www.opendemocracy.net/can-europe-make-it/samuel-salzborn/hungary-and-end-of-democracy

Punishing tax stops refugees studying at Hungarian universities

‘…Dozens of refugees will not finish studies after Hungary’s anti-migrant government imposed a punishing university tax.

[….] In June, parliament overwhelmingly passed a package of legislation known as the “Stop Soros” bill that would allow for the imprisonment of anybody aiding migrants, despite pleas from international bodies including the European Union and United Nations not to do so.

[….] “Unless EU institutions make it clear to the Hungarian government that taxing and criminalising work with asylum seekers, migrants, and refugees is unacceptable and an affront to EU laws and values, we may see more valuable programmes and projects fold,” Lydia Gall, an Eastern Europe researcher at Human Rights Watch, wrote on Wednesday.

The bill has also been criticised for being intentionally vague, forcing CEU to close its migrant programme while it seeks tax advice, the university wrote in a statement on August 28…’


2018.09.02 linkblog

Today's big read

The John McCain Phenomenon
–– The political establishment needed a war-hero fetish object—and so it invented one
John McCain is finally dead.
The John McCain Phenomenon The political establishment needed a war-hero fetish object—and so it invented one John McCain is finally dead.

There are so many quotable quotes in this Patrick Blanchfield essay I feel bad only stealing one. Blanchfield dives hard into what Americans needs in a hero and how willing the American media is to build a mountain of horse shit to sell it them. All in the service to the American empire and keep it going, even as it is clearly failing now. best quote...

‘…The reckless Hotshot becomes the Maverick, who happens to always vote the same way as the Company Man; Han Solo, but for Empire.

And behind this narrative, so appealing to so many Americans, lies yet another one, about the supposed power of suffering and sacrifice to endow the sufferer with wisdom and to produce moral transformation. Not for nothing has the writer Peter Lucier, an Afghanistan veteran, argued that Americans seem to want their veterans to be quasi-Christ figures, at once Messiah, High Priest, and Sacrificial Lamb, the delegated executors and interpreters of a civic religion which their sacrifice dignifies and consecrates.

From the stories of his time in the Hanoi Hilton, which in the telling of admirers can take on the feel of a Passion Play, to the outsized hopes laid on McCain as a could-have-been-transformational president, the McCain Phenomenon plays all these keys, and more…’

Read it all at… https://thebaffler.com/latest/the-mccain-phenomenon-blanchfield

Mourners attend a funeral in August for people, mainly children, killed in a Saudi-led coalition airstrike on a bus in northern Yemen. (Naif Rahma/Reuters)
Mourners attend a funeral in August for people, mainly children, killed in a Saudi-led coalition airstrike on a bus in northern Yemen. (Naif Rahma/Reuters)

Even when the Saudis actually admit to war crimes, the US/UK weaponry keeps flowing to them.

‘…In a rare admission, a U.S.-backed, Saudi-led coalition accepted responsibility Saturday for an airstrike last month on a school bus in northern Yemen that killed scores of people, including at least 40 children.

The statement by the coalition called the attack unjustified and vowed to punish those involved.

[….] More than 17,000 civilians have been killed or injured since the war began, mostly by airstrikes. The fighting has deepened the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, and millions are suffering from hunger, disease and displacement…’


Juan Cole writes about McCain…

‘…The really big problems that the United States faces are not a matter of personality. They are structural. On structural matters, McCain voted with Trump 83% of the time…’


Gideon Levi writes… Shame on You, America

‘…Anyone familiar with the conditions in the refugee camps knows just how dependent their inhabitants are on the UN agency. There might be some waste, certainly there are freeloaders, reform is absolutely necessary, but UNRWA provides basic humanitarian assistance. Without it there are no schools, clinics and food in the camps. America owes an indirect debt to the people there; it funds and supports the Israeli occupation, and it has never lifted a finger to reach a genuine solution to their suffering.

But the new America has lost its shame, too; it no longer even wants to pretend to be the honest broker, or take care of the world’s needy, as its position obliges it to do. Let us say, then, shame on you, America…’


archived with no paywall: https://archive.fo/CdUXX

Drought In Central Europe Reveals Cautionary ‘Hunger Stones’ In Czech River

Drought In Central Europe Reveals Cautionary 'Hunger Stones' In Czech River

‘…A lengthy drought in Europe has exposed carved boulders, known as “hunger stones,” that have been used for centuries to commemorate historic droughts — and warn of their consequences.

The Associated Press reports that hunger stones are newly visible in the Elbe River, which begins in the Czech Republic and flows through Germany.

“Over a dozen of the hunger stones, chosen to record low water levels, can now be seen in and near the northern Czech town of Decin near the German border,” the AP writes.

One of the stones on the banks of the Elbe is carved with the words “Wenn du mich siehst, dann weine”: “If you see me, weep.”…’


The Obama many of us hoped for versus the Obama we got.

via https://twitter.com/BenSpielberg/status/1036209190363049984

2018.09.01 linkblog

The Hubris of America's MiniMe

How Israel Spies on US Citizens

‘…they were spying on US citizens with the help of Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs, founded in 2006, which reports directly to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu [….]

The documentary was expected to be a media sensation, bringing outraged denials and intense controversy. But then the broadcast was postponed, with no official explanation. Eventually, articles in the US Jewish media revealed that it would never be shown. Clayton Swisher, Al Jazeera’s director of investigative journalism, expressed regret at the decision in a published article, and announced he was taking sabbatical leave. The documentary had been sacrificed to the fierce battle between Qatar on one side and Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on the other for US support in the feud that began in June 2017. What better way to do this than by winning the favour of the pro-Israel lobby, known for its influence on US policy in the Middle East?

[….] a specter haunts the [Israel] lobby: the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement (BDS).

BDS, launched in 2005, aims to use the nonviolent methods that proved effective in South Africa under apartheid. It is growing in popularity on US campuses…’


What could possibly go wrong? :-o

Russia Is Opening A “Jurassic Park-Style” Research Lab In Siberia

‘…The sub-zero temperatures of this part of the world mean it’s a prime location for this “breed” of research. Around 80 percent of soft tissue samples of extinct animals from the Pleistocene and Holocene have been unearthed in this area. That’s namely thanks to permafrost, which helps preserve the tissue like a prehistoric refrigerator.

Even just this week, scientists revealed the discovery of a perfectly preserved 40,000-year-old foal in the Yakutia region of northern Siberia. Last year, researchers found two perfectly preserved cave lion cubs from over 12,000 years ago.

“There is no such unique material anywhere else in the world,” Dr Lena Grigorieva told The Siberian Times…’


Incredible photos by David Turnley of the Aretha Franklin funeral :-o
– please browse through them all!

US ends aid to Palestinian refugee agency Unrwa

I had the privilege today to photograph the historic funeral for the Queen of Soul Aretha Franklin in Detroit….

Publiée par David Turnley sur Vendredi 31 août 2018

Trump cuts UN money for Palestinian Refugees, while sending billions of dollars and weapons to their oppressors.

‘The United States is ending all funding for the UN’s Palestinian refugee agency, the US State Department says. It described the organisation, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (Unrwa), as “irredeemably flawed”. The US administration has “carefully reviewed” the issue and “will not make additional contributions to Unrwa,” spokeswoman Heather Nauert said.

A spokesman for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas later said the move was an “assault” against his people…’


Why is Russia ginning up the possibility of war with the USA today?

Perhaps his name should have tipped somebody off that he was a racist?: Ian Smith

‘Ian M. Smith, a Department of Homeland Security analyst who resigned this week after he was confronted about his ties to white nationalist groups, attended multiple immigration policy meetings at the White House, according to government officials familiar with his work.

Smith quit his job Tuesday after being questioned about personal emails he sent and received between 2014 and 2016, before he joined the Trump administration. The messages, obtained by the Atlantic and detailed in a report published Tuesday, depict Smith engaging in friendly, casual conversations with prominent white supremacists and racists.

In one email from 2015, Smith responded to a group dinner invitation whose host said his home would be “judenfrei,” a German word used by the Nazis during World War II to describe territory that had been “cleansed” of Jews during the Holocaust…’


Hamid Dabashi writes…

‘Barack Obama gave Zionists 38 billion dollars in military aid to enable them better to drop bombs and maim and murder Palestinians at will—

Donald Trump just cut a minimum of financial aid the US contributed to UNRWA to help Palestinians survive in their refuge camps —so his rabid Zionist son-in-law Jared Kushner and that wicked creature Nikki Haley can wipe out the global recognition of Palestinians as refugees —

Now I forgot: one of these two US presidents we are supposed terribly to miss and be nostalgic about his gentility and kindness, civility and liberality of spirit — while the other is so terrible and rude we cannot wait to impeach and throw out of office — but right now I cannot tell which is which —the cool handsome one that armed Israel to teeth to kill more Palestinians and steal their land or the ugly racist one who is determined to starve them to death’


Map: All the Countries John McCain Has Wanted to Attack

Map: All the Countries John McCain Has Wanted to Attack
Map: All the Countries John McCain Has Wanted to Attack


2018.08.31 linkblog

I wonder what the percentage would be for the thousands of Budapest Homeless?

71% Of SF Homeless Once Had Homes In SF

“Seventy-one percent (71%) of respondents reported they were living in San Francisco at the time they most recently became homeless, an increase from 61% in 2013. Of those, nearly half (49%) had lived in San Francisco for 10 years or more. Eleven percent (11%) had lived in San Francisco for less than one year.”

“Ten percent (10%) of respondents reported they were living out of state at the time they lost their housing. Nineteen percent (19%) reported they were living in another county in California. Six percent (6%) reported they were living in Alameda County at the time, 3% San Mateo, 2% Marin, 2% Contra Costa and 1% Santa Clara County.”

The 1968 Hungarian Maoist ‘Plotters’ that didn’t really plot

 Tibor Vámos – became part of the society of friends as a teenager, but was not involved in the “conspiracy” and the subsequent court case. Asked about the Maoists, he told Mérce:

I am afraid I cause disappointment by stating, that there was no Maoist conspiracy to speak of. There was however a university student group of 50-70 people, who at the middle or the end of the 1960’s felt that our country’s Socialism was not good enough. They did not want to overthrow the system, but to repair it. Authorities however did not tolerate unsanctioned organization even if it was socialist in nature.

Maoism therefore primarily served as an ideological tool within the bi-polar system of the Cold War, through which criticism could be articulated with regard to both existing capitalism and exisiting socialism.


The "original" Robo Cop, 1924.
The “original” Robo Cop, 1924.

via https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10214125128415776&set=gm.2105763529663690

I hope these people invade Puerto Rico

Nineteen Cuba-trained doctors sworn in
‘…“We should ask ourselves constantly, what are we doing to better ourselves,” Dr. Naraine said, adding that, “we (doctors) shouldn’t get accustomed to the sufferings of the patient, instead we should treat every patient with compassion and in the end, we should be able to relieve the pain, suffering and anxiety of the population in general.”…’

I have the feeling this is how she prefers to be remembered, our last positive memory of her before the ship sinks?

Theresa May dances (again) as she wraps up Africa trip

The British prime minister had another go at dance diplomacy after joining the head of UN Environment, Erik Solheim, in Nairobi to announce the launch of a new 'plastic challenge' badge for guides and scouts. It is the second time during her three-day trip to Africa that May has joined in a dance performance.

Publiée par The Guardian sur Jeudi 30 août 2018

Vikings ‘replaced’ by foreigners…

Half of Viking city of Sigtuna were immigrants: study
Half of Viking city of Sigtuna were immigrants: study

‘…No fewer than half the population of the Viking town of Sigtuna were immigrants, a new genetic analysis of human remains from the 10th to the 12th century has discovered. While rough half of the 38 people whose bones and teeth were genetically tested grew up in or around the nearby Lake Mälaren area, the other half came from as far away as Ukraine, Lithuania, northern Germany, the British Isles, and parts of central Europe, as well as from southern Sweden, Norway and Denmark…’

Ahmad Samih Khalidi writes about Zionism…

‘…Opposition to Zionism on these grounds is a moral stance, is neither antisemitic nor racist, and is founded on the belief that the creation of Israel has a profound injustice at its roots.

Jewish opposition to Zionism has a long and distinguished history. Furthermore, the Palestinian historical narrative has been largely vindicated, in part by Israeli and Jewish historians, and Jewish voices in support of Palestinian rights today abound. Using the charge of anti-Zionism as a tool to silence critics of today’s Israel is the last resort of those seeking to deflect attention away from the egregious path that Israel appears to have chosen. It wants to have it both ways, on the one hand to charge with racism those who conflate anti-Zionism and antisemitism. On the other hand,it accuses those who refuse this conflation, of antisemitism on the grounds that anti-Zionism denies the Jews the right to self-determination. By this token, any criticism of Israel or Zionism becomes a slur on the Jewish people. The insidious goal of the “anti-anti-Zionist” campaign is to silence the Palestinians and their supporters and to smother them with the charge of racism. No one should fall for this or accept it…’


Kenya burial site shows community spirit of herders 5,000 years ago

‘…Herders in east Africa 5,000 years ago lived in peaceful communities that shunned social hierarchies, communicated intensively and worked together to build massive cemeteries, new research by archaeologists has revealed.

[….] “When agrarian societies started to develop, hierarchies started to develop too. Some people became more powerful and disparities in wealth and health and social circumstances emerged. So the big question is: Did the same thing happen in pastoral societies?” said Hildebrand.

“Lothagam North pillar site is the earliest known monumental site in eastern Africa … built by the region’s first herders … and gives us solid evidence that these pastoralists did indeed follow a different trajectory of social change. People came together in large numbers, probably expending blood, sweat and tears to build these large structures, but we have no evidence for hierarchy or social difference.”…’


re: Glenn Greenwald

‘…I applaud Ian Parker’s mostly even-handed profile of Glenn Greenwald (if not the headline and teasers) in the September 3 issue of The New Yorker, and offer here some additional history and a key insight into the value Greenwald offers our nation in these troubled days [….]

Beyond his perhaps outsize and famed cantankerousness, Greenwald is a generous partner in speaking truth to power, and an inventive and courageously disruptive force for accountable governance. Unlike the other big name from those days, Markos Moulitsas, Greenwald did not become absorbed into the establishment Democratic Party power structure, and he does not choose to rest on his Pulitzer laurels with a cushy columnist gig at a major outlet…’


Jane Goodall: Chimpanzees, humanity and all that binds them

‘…Asked about the challenges facing conservationists in Africa, Goodall says, “you cannot expect change to happen over night after our brutal colonialism …. We ruined their culture, we ruined so much about African society. What white colonialists did can never really be forgiven in Africa.”

“I travelled to many different countries, and everywhere the history of white colonialism is brutal. So when finally the Europeans thought ‘oh gosh, we’ve killed off nearly all the animals, we can develop tourism ‘… we set up these national parks. People were driven out of these areas and lived on the periphery – many of them in poverty…’

video: https://www.aljazeera.com/programmes/talktojazeera/2018/06/jane-goodall-chimpanzees-humanity-binds-180624045338191.html

Gaza, Palestine 2018.08.31
‘Watch what tear gas does to us Nevertheless, they continue to lift the siege on Gaza Free Palestine’

Watch what tear gas does to usNevertheless, they continue to lift the siege on GazaFree Palestine

Publiée par Hamada Kaneta sur Vendredi 31 août 2018

Donald Trump Really Thinks ICE Agents Are Liberating Towns

Donald Trump Really Thinks ICE Agents Are Liberating Towns

Donald Trump really believes ICE is liberating towns across America — and he's not afraid to tell you over and over and over.

Publiée par VICE News sur Mercredi 29 août 2018